Bench Press Strength Conditioning Week 2
Pause Bench Press
355x2x6 easy!!!
Illegal Wides Paused
305x2x6 hurt wrist and shoulder somewhat
H Rolls
Looks like all the back work is paying off. Hit a very strong 355 for 2 sets of 6 paused. My spotter would give me a clap like an old school meet. Did some illegal wides today as the inclines were all being used and I didn't want to wait. They felt great but did give me some discomfort in my shoulder and wrist. Finished off with 5 sets of H Rolls. So next week 'll go for 3x6 with 355. My all time PR is 4x6 paused with 365. When I get 4x6 here I'll go up to 375 and start over. Wanted to do some tricep work tonight but my elbows were bothering me.
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