"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Squat Test

135x 5
225x 5
315x 5
405x 1
495x 1 add belt
585x 1 belt & light knee wraps
675x 1 same EASY!!!
405x 2 x 5

Lying Leg Curls
55x 12
95x 12

Finished up with some abs and called it a day. This was the first time since July that I had to walk the weight out and setup. I also did all these squats ass to heels as opposed to having someone call my depth at just breaking the plane. In other words, this was an IPF legal squat. I am very happy with this lift and will setup my next cycle based off a 675 max so that I can leave some room to build.


Blogger Huzz said...

Ummm...Holy #$&% Mike. When are you going to do another unequipped meet? You've got to rank pretty well. What weight class are you right now?

6:44 AM

Blogger Michael said...

I'm 280 right now. No meets in the near future. If I do another one it will be unequipped though.

1:41 PM


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