Elbow Joint(tricep) Training 11/10/05
Two Board Unload Press 435x4x3
Floor Press(16 inch grip) 285x3,3,3,2
Seated Row 120x8 / 130x8 / 140x8 / 150x8
Reverse Pec Dec 180x2x8 / 190x8 / 200x8
Hammer Curls 70x3x8
"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -
Hey, Mike
I just stopped by your blog. First of all, congratulations on your big time weight loss! That must have took some discipline. Secondly, those are some great numbers for a 242... especially your power cleans... did you ever train as an Oly lifter?
Also, great benching... you haven't lost as much strength as you think. On a side note, I don't notice any squats in your routine. Do you just compete in push/pull meets or have you done full meets before?
Anyways, good luck with your goals. I think they are attainable given your previous levels. Stop by my blog sometime and check it out. I'm not as strong a lifter as you but not doing too badly either. Thanks.
2:50 AM
Thanks for the kind words. It was actually easy after the first 2 weeks. No, I've never been an olympic lifter but I've always done power cleans b/c I love them. I'm not doing squats now b/c I don't want to gain too much weight and I'm training for a bench only meet in December. I feel when trying to improve your bench squats hamper this somewhat b/c of the strain they put on the shoulder joint.
I do 3 lift meets mostly. But have done a few bench only and 1 bp/dl meet.
4:57 AM
An unload Press is just the name I use for reverse band press.
5:39 AM
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