A Strong Return
Today was a strong return to weight lifting for me. I suffered a pretty bad injury and have not touched a weight in over a month. It will be even longer before I can return to doing squats and deadlifts again but I will work on what the doctor cleared me for, upper body. So today I wanted to find out where I was strength wise for a few exercises I want to incorporate. Today was like a chest/shoulder/tricep day. Here it is:
Legs Up Pause Bench
135x 10
225x 6
275x 6
295x 6
315x 6
Seated Shoulder Press
135x 10
185x 5
225x 5
185x 5, 10
Seated French Press
45x 20
95x 10
135x 8, 6
155x 6
That was it. I finished off with some cardio but no ab work due to the neck/back injury. I minimized all stress on the spine by benching with my feet in the air and doing my tricep work seated. I have no pain and was surprised at the strong workout after a month layoff.