"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Monday, November 14, 2005

Shoulder Joint Training(Bench Day) 11/13/05

Pause Bench 275x1 / 315x1 / 365x0
Reverse Grip BP 225x6 / 275x6 / 315x1 / 225x10
Seated Row 130x8/140x8/150x8/160x8
Hammer Curl 70x3x8
Reverse Pec Dec 190x8/200x2x8/210x8

Missed the 365 b/c I wasn't focused and I didn't do enough warm ups. I need to get
my pattern warm up down again as well as 3 near maxs instead of just winging it. Good
workout tonight, espically the reverse grip.


Blogger John said...

Mike, I agree you need a more structured warmup pattern before attempts a series of heavy singles.
I like to do 10x33%/5x50%/3x60%/2x70%/1x80%, and then 1x90% before doing 1x95%/1x100% and attempting 1x102.5% or 105%... Going back down (reverse pyramid) is where you can up the reps.

8:36 AM

Blogger Michael said...

I don't post my warm ups on here, just my work sets. I've always had a pattern warm up and for the past 3 weeks just haven't been doing it for some reason!

11:00 AM

Blogger Christian D. said...


Thanks for stopping by the site and posting up a comment (strengthnews.net).

On your reverse grip bench do you have someone handing off to you? I did those for a couple of weeks and found it very uncomfortable.

Also you look like a guy that's in some of the pictures for some Joel Marion articles. You do any of those photos per chance.

12:15 PM

Blogger Michael said...

Yes, I get a lift off for my reverse grips. They're some techniques to minimize wrist strain when you do them. First, you should have the bar sitting in your hand diagonaly. Say if it was your right hand the bar would run northeast to southwest. Second, use a grip of at least index finger on the ring.
Sorry to disappoint, but I've never been lucky enough to have my pictures taken for articles.

1:12 PM

Blogger Michael said...

My index finger is on the ring and if I feel any discomfort I will go middle finger on the ring. I just focus on keeping the elbows tucked hard and driving straight up keeping all the weight in the arms.

10:00 PM


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