"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Monday, December 19, 2005

Bench Press Training 12/19/05

Good workout tonight. I'm taking some advice from Josh Bryant and building up my bench from the bottom up and the exercise that has worked the best for me there is Incline bench. I also reverted back to my old faithful 5x3 on the bench with short rest periods. Once again though I didn't have a planned warm up for this workout and my easiest sets were the 295 and two sets with 315. So, I made up my warm ups for next week so we won't have this problem again. Dusted off the old shoulder horn and began that program again to help the shoulder out. Everything else was the same old same old. Deadlifts tommorrow! By the way, the split I've decided on that works best for my training partner and I is: Mon: Bench, Tue: Deadlift, Thurs: Shoulders/Tris, Fri: Squat.

Pause Bench 285x2x3/295x3/315x2x3
Incline Press 255x2x5
Shoulder Horn 5x2x20
Hammer Curls 75x3x8/85x8
Seated Row 260x8/280x8/300x8/320x8
Face Pulls 80x8/100x8/120x2x8


Blogger John said...

I like the simplicity of this workout, Mike.
Good idea to include the shoulder horn work.
You could experiment with adding a bit more volume though.
Ever think of doing 8x3 in regular bench with 4x6 for inclines?
Brian Siders's Wednesday workout was 8x3 bench, 5x3 3 board, 6x6 inclines... now THAT is high volume!

3:29 AM

Blogger Michael said...

My training partner is trying out the 8x3 as you outlined. I will up the volume on the incline once I adjust but I've had some great success with 5x3 as well. I'll explain later.

4:49 AM

Blogger Michael said...

John Yeo: A shoulder Horn is a device used to isolate the rotater cuff muscles. Do a google search for it and you'll find a picture(tough to explain).

John M. : I think I may do either 4x6 or 5x5 on the inclines eventually. The 5x3 program is what I used for the 5 months I trained under Mendelson and it took my bench from 440 to 505x3 raw but I also gained an additional 31 pounds in that time period. I already do all the same support work just a lot faster. The reason for the lower volume is b/c of the shoulder right now. BTW, my training partner loved the 8x3 day.

7:32 AM


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