"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Rest For the Body

As you can see I havn't lifted since thursday. This tricep day caused a great amount of pain in my shoulder. So when Saturday morning rolled around and my legs were still sore as well as a lot of pain in my shoulder I took the extra time off. Blakley advised me to not do deadlifts right now with my shoulder the way it is but I have a better idea. With some rest needed I think now would be a good time to do the full transition to a hook grip on my deadlifts. I use it on all my warm ups so I feel that I'm prepared for the full assault. So some lighter weights for the DL may be in order but I feel the benefits are worthwhile.
As for my poor shoulder, I will only be benching once a week and doing the board bench on the same day. I will finish off that workout with narrow grip bench. I was also thinking of doing squats and deadlifts on the same day along with some calf raises. The reason? The less the bar is on my back the more my shoulder gets a chance to heal. I'm not so sure I'll do this as I'm seeing good results right now but it is in the back of my head.
The last thought that came to mind was splitting up my training and actually doing some direct shoulder work. I looked back in my old logs and found that even though I was handling much heavier loads per week I was never having shoulder problems. The difference? I was doing direct shoulder work. My best was 2x3 with 275 and 1x1 with 315 in the Behind the neck press. So I may add in a shoulder day and do 4x a week just split it up by doing Mon: Squat, Tues: Bench, Thurs: Shoulders, Fri: Deadlifts.


Blogger John said...

I like the looks of that 4x a week split, Mike.
I think that would work well.

6:14 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Mike, a 315 BNP is great. Was there any particular reason for dropping the direct shoulder work, or did it just get replaced by other things?

10:55 PM

Blogger Michael said...

Thanks John, I think an even better one may be Mon: Bench, Tues: Deadlift, Thurs: SHoulders, Fri:Squat. With that split my shoulder joint is getting more rest between sessions and I won't be sore on deadlift day from squatting(I hope).
Scott, I was having a hard time recovering from my bench workouts at that point. I was doing triples on Monday off the 2 board with 475-500 pounds then doing paused triples off the chest with 405-415 on thursday then hitting the shoulder work on fridays. It just got to the point where on friday I was always still sore from the benching so I dropped it. I love the BNP and feel it is a good exercise when done safely and with gradual poundage increases.

2:34 AM


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