"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Bitten by the Flu Bug

Well, I spent the better part on Monday night and ALL day Tuesday in the bathroom. I had a horrible fever, couldn't keep water down, and a ferocious haedache. Not to mention my joints felt like I was 80 years old and just got done running a marathon. Just a horrible time. So, I didn't work out yesterday. Which is a tell tale sign that I am sick b/c I just don't miss workouts. So I will resume training on Thrusday for triceps(working with my 250 pounds of 5/8 chain that I got for christmas!), and then will squat and deadlift on friday. Fridays workout is going to be brutal b/c I'm also going to try and do the majority of my support work as well. That's all for now.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hope you're back up to full strength soon.

7:25 AM

Blogger Alberto said...

Feel better, Mike.

7:49 AM


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