"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Change of Frequency

Based on recent events I've persuaded myself to try something very new. I'm switching my program to a 10 day rotation rather than a 7. This will give me 4 workouts every 10 days. I will also be alternating squats and deadlifts every other workout. So on day 1 I will Bench and do support work, Day 2 squat and support work. On the 5th day after day 1 I will do triceps and the next day do deadlifts and support work. I hope that wasn't too confusing. If this works out good, I will then switch to a 14 day rotation. Once again, this is something totally new to me but I want to try it. As far as workouts, everything will remain the same with the exception of deadlifts. I will continue to do 8x2 of the plates adding 10-20 pounds a workout to get accustomed to the hook grip. This will be followed by front squats, bent over rows, shrugs, and some pulldown motion. Squat day will include pause squats, good mornings, and calf raises. Bench day will have illegal wides, hammer curls, seated rows, face pulls. Tricep day will have floor press with chain, maybe some close bench with bands, hammer curls, seated row, face pulls.


Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds good. How much time are you planning to give the 10 day rotation before switching to 14?

3:10 AM


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