"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Contest may be a No Go

My shoulder pain is getting increasingly worse along with both my elbows. I know it is mostly inflammation and to take off a week and then try to hit it hard would not get the job done. I have also been sick for the past 2 weeks and the baby has been up a lot at night so my recovery is in the can. So, on Friday I decided to take 10 days off and if my shoulder feels better bump I could either do a shoulder cycle or bump the reps up to 6. If the shoulder is ok I will do the AC repair cycle and hit tris hard. So, I will not be lifting again till November 28th. I need the time off b/c I never took any after my last contest due to the weight loss cycle and while I was on that cycle I was lifting 4x a week and doing hardcore cardio 4x as well(I was at the gym 6x a week). I think this is where a lot of my shoulder problems are coming from. I will also get my weight up to around 240. So goes life in the world of powerlifting.


Blogger Jamie said...

Sounds like rotator cuff problems. A therapist told me when RC tissue is injured it will remain tight and pull tendons down to the elbows. A buddy of mine got me on trigger point therapy for RC problems and It has worked great.

6:30 AM

Blogger Michael said...

I should give the trigger point therapy a shot as well as ART.

5:28 PM


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