"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Squat Night 11/23/05

Squat 405x3 / 455x1
Pause Squat 315x2x5
Wide Stance Good Morning 185x2x5
Seated Calf Raise 135x3x12

First time squatting since September and losing 79 pounds. I wasn't too disappointed. My depth was way below parallel on all squats. Pause squats are done with a shoulder width stance, rock bottom and paused for 3 seconds in the hole. All lifts were done raw.


Blogger Christian D. said...

WOW...that's some nice squatting. Especially after losing all that weight. I've heard a lot of people say that losing weight makes their squat go down before anything else.

6:29 AM

Blogger Michael said...

I had a nice gut before so my drive out of the hole was crazy fast. I was working on a 700 squat before I lost all the weight. My best was 675. So I did lose a significant amount of strength.

6:58 AM

Blogger Christian D. said...

How did you go about losing the weight if I might ask? From the one picture I saw you look fairly lean now (12-14%)?

3:51 PM

Blogger Michael said...

That's a whole other can of worms that would take me forever to fully explain but to give you a general idea: I start out at 2800 calories and work my way down to 1500 per day. I drop calories when I feel the weight loss isn't as much as I want. For the first 3 weeks I do low intensity cardio 2x a day for 30+ minutes each. After 3 weeks I switch to sprints interval training on a bike and treadmill. I start out with 4 minutes of intervals and work up to 15 minutes. For weight training, I lift 4-6x a week for 1-1 1/2 hours. I never focus on weight but more so work. I follow Kazs' philosophy "train hard and fast". As far as the BF%, that was all diet and my sprints.

8:14 AM


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