Recent Training
I took 2 weeks off after the hack squats b/c they even hurt my back. My back is still not 100% so leg training is out of the question(I don't consider leg extensions, leg curls, and calf raises leg training). Nonetheless, I have ventured into a bench only routine. It was hard to get motivated at first but now things are going well. I will be training all bench press reps touch and go with a thumbs length from the smooth grip. I am coming up with an idea of what I want to do but still working with the program. Here is what I've done so far:
Bench Press 135x10/225x3,3/315x1/335x6/345x6/355x6
DB Triceps 30x4x10/45x2x10
DB Shrug-Row 45x3x20
Wide Grip Face Pulls 100x12/120x12/140x12/160x12
Close Grip Chins BWx3x5
Seated Rows 200x12/240x12/300x12/380x12
Wide Pulldowns to Chin 200x10/240x10/280x10/300x8
Chest Supported DB Rows 60x3x10
Seated Hammer Curl 50x3x12
Reverse Grip BP 135x5/225x3/315x2x5
Front Deltoid Raise 45x6/50x6
Pause Incline Press 135x6/275x2x6 w/ 5 sec. pauses
Bench Press 135x8/225x3/315x1/365x6
DB Triceps 35x10/45x10/55x12
V-Bar Pushdowns 60x12/80x12/100x12,15
All workouts are done in 25 minutes or less. I'm still trying to come up with an effective way to train the db triceps(these are Kennelly type extensions). 6x10 was a lot and 3x10-12 was ok but 55 was the the only very challenging set. Next time I will do 4x12 static weight. Tommorrow I'll do back and hammer curls and Thursday pause incline and shoulders. Once again everyone, feel free to post on here any comments or suggestions that you may have for me.