"Promise to yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To be too wise for worry, too tolerant for anger, and too courageous for fear. To be happy." - Author Unknown -

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Mid Day Deadlift Blast

Deadlift 405x12 / 455x6 / 500x2 / 545x1
Power Clean 255x2x5 / 275x3
Wide Front Lat Pulldowns 240x10 / 260x10 / 280x10 / 300x5
Tricep Pushdowns Did lots of sets and reps for hypertrophy and elbow integrity

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Heavy Bench Night 10/27/05

Pause Bench 275x1 / 315x1 / 365x1(touch and go)
Nosebreakers 125x4x6
Hammer Curls 75x3x8
Reverse Pec Dec 150x2x8 / 165x2x8

Monday, October 24, 2005

High Rep Bench Day

Bench Press 225x20,16 (last rep paused on each set. very easy, nowhere near failure)
Nosebreakers 125x6,6,5,5
Hammer Curls 70x3x8
Lat Pulldowns 240x4x10
Reverse Pec Dec 150x4x8

Just a side note, I do cardio 4 days a week(M,Tu,Th,Fr) doing running sprints one day and sprints on the bike the other.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Saturday Morning Deadlifts

Deadlift 405x2 / 455x2 / 515x2 / 565x0 / 335x15
Power Cleans 225x5 / 245x2x5 / 275x1(easy)
Dips BW+90x5 / BW+125x2x5 / BW+135x3(easy) / BWx25,15,12(last set done reverse grip)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Discussing contest strategy with Dad Posted by Picasa

Heavy Bench Night 10/20/05

Pause Bench Press 275x1 / 315x1 / 345x1(quick pause)
300x4x3(good sets, long pauses, strong off chest)
Nosebreakers 105x6 / 115x6 / 125x6,5
Hammer Curls 65x8 / 70x8 / 75x8
Reverse Pec Dec 150x4x8

Lat Pulldowns 220x10 / 240x10 / 260x10 / 280x8
Bike Sprints

Monday, October 17, 2005

Lift Off for a Big Raw Bench attempt Posted by Picasa

High Rep Bench Day

High Rep Bench Press 225x16, 13
Close Grip Bench 225x5,5 / 275x2 / 315x1 / 245x5 / 185x9
Hammer Curls 60x8 / 65x8 / 70x8
Lat Pulldowns 220x10 / 240x3x10
Reverse Pec Dec 135x8,8 / 150x8 / 165x8

Just a quick note, my lat pulldowns are done with one rep to the front and one rep to the back. So a total of 5 front and 5 behind the neck. Close Grips were done with 8 inches between index fingers.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Deadlift Insanity

Deadlift - 405x2 / 455x2 / 500x2 / 550x1 / 315x15
Power Cleans - 225x5 / 245x5
Seated Tricep Press - 95x10,10 / 105x10

Friday, October 14, 2005

Concieve, Believe, Achieve!  Posted by Picasa

Heavy Bench Night 10/12/05

Bench 295x3 / 315x3x3
Hammer Curls 60x2x8 / 65x8
Weighted Dip BW+90x3 / BW+125x3 / BW+135x2,1
Reverse Pec Dec 120x8 / 135x8,8 / 150x8
Lat Pulldowns 220x3x10

Heavy Competition Deadlift Posted by Picasa

Monday 10/10/05 High rep BP

Bench Press 225x 21, 15
Standing Behind Neck Press 115x 5,5 / 135x5
DB Hammer Curls 55x8 / 60x6 / 65x6
Weighted Dips BWx8 / BW+45x6 / BW+90x6,5,5 / BW+45x6 / BWx8
Front and Back Lat Pulldowns 220x4x10

This is me at 310 bodyweight last January. Posted by Picasa

Reasoning for the Comeback

After many distractions and over anylization of too many ideas I seem to be back on track. I recently set a goal and achived it by losing 64 pounds in 8 weeks taking me from 304 to 240 for my next competition on December 17. Some problems that have arisen from this is strength loss. My bench dropped from an offical 435 to 335(which is now up to 365 after 4 weeks of somewhat normal training.) Deadlift is down from an official 603 to 545. My tricep strength was also greatly affected for some reason. My joints weren't as bad as I thought except for my hips, which are crazy painful. So, here I am preparing for a comeback with short term goals of a 405 and 448(double bodyweight) raw bench press. I have some great training partners again and I'm ready to rock and roll.